Where do the buses stop in Melksham?

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"A time of grest risk and great opportunity" - group news


Above - Stops on Faresaver bus routes

Map does not show routes 14 and 15 (town bus), x76 (Marlborough to RUH) or 401 (National Express)

From your home or business in Melksham

Most buses call at the Market Place, and as shown on the map at other locations on request. If you are waiting at one of these stops for a bus, please put out your hand in good time to flag it down. If you are on the bus, please ring the bell to alert the driver that you wish to leave.


Current Departures

Timetables December 2024 to May 2025:
Local (Swindon to Westbury)
to Reading and London
via Salisbury to Southampton

Journey Planners, fares and booking:
GWR for UK
Interrail (Europe itinaries)
Rail Europe (Individual journeys)


Timetables as at September 2024:
14, 15 - Melksham Town Bus
x34 to Chippenham, Trowbridge, Frome
271,2,3 to Bath and to Devizes
69 to Corsham, Bradford-on-Avon
x76 to Calne, Marlborough, and to RUH
SB2 to Seend
401 to Heathrow and London

MyTrip - App to track local buses


Listed in a random order:
• Carols Cabs - 07894 873129
• Adam's Cab - 07526 291 539
• AAP - 01225 706133
• Paul's Taxi - 07986 517319
• Nigels Taxi - 07976 165910
• Index - 01225 700800
• Forest Taxis - 01225 705453

Cycling and walking

Section to be added

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