Wall of St Michael's Church


Trains at Melksham



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About the Melksham Tranport User Group

Formerly the Melksham Rail User Group. Prior to that Melksham Rail Development Group Founded 1995

The Melksham Rail User Group supports the promotion of our public transport facilities in the town, and their further development. Please follow links on the top of this page for lots more information including timetables and fares, and please come along to our next meeting too.

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Heading towards London until June 2024
Heading towards Southampton until June 2024
Rail User Group (West Wilts)
Online Forum (Great Western Coffee Shop)

Times - between towns
Times - town bus
Bus User Group (Option 24/7)

The Melksham [Rail / Transport] User Group and its predecessors have partnered with the train operators over the years to promote growth of services and their use. However, we are embarrassed to promote the current service with its awful reliability record. For regular users who are robust to the issues it is still useful - for newcomers there's a significant risk of their first planned use going wrong, quite apart from the worry beforehand of not knowing if it will run.

Four officers of the group met in December 2022, and we have decided on a hiatus until the spring. We'll maintain insurance and CRN membership; our annual Zoom account runs until mid-year and we will occasionally feed online media and deal with correspondence from it. In the meantime, we also recommend you to the groups linked above.

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Coming SOOOON ...

A new approach